Author: jpetrait

  • EU-Ukraine Cluster Partnership Programme

    Effort to boost business collaboration between the EU and Ukraine closes 4 June. Integrating Ukraine into the single market is a key EU priority, with funders recognizing the opportunity to boost business collaboration and promote regional economic growth. Grantmakers have identified industrial ecosystems of importance that offer the possibility for growth and collaboration, including: With…

  • WA: Apprenticeship Building America Opens Today

    Nearly $3 million available for Registered Apprenticeships and Recognized Pre-apprenticeships in Washington State. Today Washington State’s Employment Security Department, on behalf of Career Connect Washington, will open round 3 of Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) program builder funding. ABA is funded by the US Department of Labor and seeks to, “strengthen, modernize, expand, and diversify Registered…

  • USAID Sierra Leone, Uganda & DR Congo

    Grants totaling more than $134 million will improve health outcomes, offer HIV programming and provide technical assistance. Over the past few weeks the United States Agency for International Development has announced grants for health activities spanning Africa, from Sierra Leone in the west to the Democratic Republic of Congo and on to Uganda in the…

  • NSF Global Centers Funding

    Up to seven awardees will lead international, interdisciplinary bioeconomy research centers. With an emphasis on broadening participation and community engagement that lead to societal benefits, the National Science Foundation has announced $25 million in funding, due June 11th, for use-inspired research that addresses global challenges through the bioeconomy. Grantees will, “prioritize research collaborations that foster…

  • Promoting An Inclusive West Africa

    Department of State will award 1 grant at $1.25 million, with applications due May 7th. Earlier this month the Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor announced an open competition to address ethnic marginalization across Coastal West Africa. The opportunity is open to both U.S.-based and foreign NGOs. DRL identifies two core objectives that a…

  • EU Girls and Women in Digital

    The call aims to enhance the involvement of girls and women in information and communication technology. With EUR 2.000.000 available and a deadline of 29 May, Girls and Women in Digital is a funding programme delivered by the Digital Europe Programme, a new EU funding programme bringing digital technologies to businesses, citizens and public administrations.…

  • Apprenticeship NPRM Comments Due Monday

    USDOL’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking intends to enhance apprenticeship system with help from the public. At 779 pages, the recent Notice of Proposed Rulemaking from USDOL seeks to update the nation’s Registered Apprenticeship system to expand the system with quality, center equity and clarify the roles of partners in the system. You can submit your…

  • Promoting ILO Recommendation No 208

    The ILO’s recommendation on quality apprenticeship sets a new standard for labor.  Designed to foster, “opportunities for individuals of all ages to acquire, enhance, and continuously update their skills,” the International Labor Organisation’s recommendation No 208 commits to preventing exploitation, discrimination, violence and harassment against apprentices.  The ILO has provided a set of social media…

  • USDOL Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship

    Announcement of 30 leaders includes employers, unions, community colleges and friends of Aspect Works Last week the United States Department of Labor announced the Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship, advising the Secretary of Labor on the challenges and opportunities of the national apprenticeship systems.  Among the 30 representatives, we were pleased to see Shana Peschek, Executive…

  • Erasmus+ Policy Experimentation

    Due 4 June, the call will support upskilling and reskilling adults for the digital and green jobs. With €10 000 000 available, regional partnerships under the Pact for Skills are encouraged to apply, making concrete commitments to investing in skills training for adults.  The call identifies possible implementation activities, including: Eligible entities must be legal…

  • State Apprenticeship Expansion Competitive Funding

    In addition to formula funds, resources are available for innovation, equity, expansion and modernization of Registered Apprenticeship.  With $100 million total in funding available, $50 million of that dedicated the competitive awards, the US Department of Labor last month announced a new round of State Apprenticeship Expansion funding due one month from today on April…

  • Apprenticeship Skills Fair Day Two

    Second day in Turin turns focus to protection, mobility and financing of apprentices “Well-designed and well-regulated apprenticeships leads to decent work.” With those words from the ILO’s Claire la Hovary, day 2 of the Skills Fair on Quality Apprenticeships in Turin, Italy kicked off. Aspect Works Director Jason Petrait was on hand for the sessions.…

  • Skills Fair on Quality Apprenticeships Kicks Off

    Hosted at the International Labour Organisation’s campus in Turin, the day saw apprenticeship leaders from around the world share their insights. The day led off with a panel hosted by Pilvi Torsit of the ETF, who stated that the goal is to, “create decent jobs so people can have decent lives.” As she remarked, this…

  • Apprenticeship Building America Round 2 Out Now

    $95 million for 18 awardees dedicated to expanding, diversifying and strengthening Registered Apprenticeship. Yesterday the US Department of Labor announced round 2 of Apprenticeship Building America, 18 grants for public and private partnerships to serve a range of industries that move apprentices into good jobs.  This round funds 3 categories of grants: Grant funds come…

  • Pathway Home Pre-Release Job Training Grants

    $52 Million from USDOL to improve post-release employment opportunities and reduce recidivism With dollars from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, USDOL’s Employment and Training Administration is set to fund up to 20 projects that intend to eliminate gaps between release from prison or jail and enrollment in workforce development programs. The Pathway Home grants…

  • USAID FAIR Due March 11

    Fostering Accountability through Investigative Reporting (FAIR) activity open to local Ecuadorian entities.  With a phase one deadline of March 11th, USAID staffers will answer pre-submitted questions at a conference set for Friday the 23rd. USAID anticipates an investment of approximately $7 million over three years with the possibility of extensions. They identify four proposed objectives:…