Author: jpetrait

  • Preparing Justice-Involved Youth for Work

    Due April 2nd, twelve USDOL grants totaling $40 million will fund paid work experiences. Last week USDOL’s Employment and Training Administration announced rounds 4 and 5 of Growth Opportunities funding, preparing justice-involved youth for the world of work, putting them on a path to more equitable career opportunities through paid work experiences. Occupational education in…

  • European Cluster Conference Set For 7-8 May

    Two days in Brussels focused on cluster policies, sustainable industry development and interregional cooperation. The European Cluster Conference 2024 is an opportunity to collaborate and build connections across Europe’s value chains, clusters and ecosystems. This bi-yearly event will bring together stakeholders, policymakers, cluster staff, researchers and entrepreneurs to build connections and ignite new ideas for…

  • $1.2 Million for Study of the U.S. Institutes

    Due March 22nd, funding will design and implement three institutes for secondary educators. Funded by the Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, three Study of the U.S. (SUSIs) for teachers and administrators will be held in summer 2025, providing multinational groups of secondary educators with, “a deeper understanding of U.S. society, education,…

  • Centres of Vocational Excellence due 7 May

    Erasmus+ is developing and establishing international networks of Centres of Vocational Excellence.  With the goal of creating skills ecosystems for local innovation, regional development and social inclusion, Erasmus+ will provide a total of €56 million in funding from the European Commission to operate Centres that will work at both the national and international levels: National…

  • Department of State IDEAS Program Closes March 11

    $2.1 million in grants will increase and diversify education abroad for U.S. students. The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is accepting proposals through March 11 for grantees that can build the institutional capacity of U.S. higher education to increase and/or diversify U.S. study abroad.  Diversification can include expanding the institutions…

  • Apprenticeship NPRM Webinar

    Staff from USDOL presented on Thursday January 25th. Read on for their insight into the NPRM and how to submit comments. Moderated by John Ladd, Administrator of ETA, presenters from the United States Department of Labor provided a high-level summary of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), how the NPRM process works, and how to…

  • Locally Led Development in Paraguay – USAID

    $2 million will be awarded to one Paraguay-based organization to implement Local Works program. Due February 16th, USAID is set to award a local entity in Paraguay grant funds to strengthen the capacity of Paraguayan organizations to respond to development issues, leveraging local resources through local collaborations.  USAID envisions a local awardee that will provide…

  • CEDEFOP’s Call For VET Expertise Proposals

    Successful applicants will join ReferNet, the main source of information on national VET systems. Officially published January 19th and due February 26th, a new round of funding is available to join ReferNet, the authoritative source for information on vocational education and training, skills and qualifications. Overseen by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational…

  • USAID Digital Invest Call for Concept Notes

    Funds will mobilize private capital for internet connectivity and digital financial services in emerging markets. As part of USAID’s Digital Invest program, grants ranging from $150,000 to $500,000 are available for private sector partners to launch or expand infrastructure projects supporting underserved consumers and businesses worldwide. The call for concepts closes April 15th. As part…

  • African Union-European Union Innovation Platform

    Grants seek to strengthen research and innovation cooperation to drive sustainable and inclusive economic growth.  Last week Horizon Europe published a call for proposals due 25 April to foster links and networks between innovation stakeholders from the EU and the African Union (AU) with the ultimate goal of reducing poverty and inequalities. In a previous…

  • NGO Financial Management Capacity Building

    $1 million for a project that promotes the sustainability and resiliency of non-governmental organizations. Announced last week and due March 7th, the Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor (DRL) is offering funding to assist NGOs engaged in democracy and human rights work in, “difficult or sensitive environments, globally, by increasing their…

  • Erasmus+ Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation

    Tackling skills gaps, the Alliance will create new approaches to concrete skills development. As part of a suite of funding opportunities from Erasmus+ like the recently-profiled Alliances for Education and Enterprises, Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation proposals are due 7 March 2024 with funding levels set at €1 million for two-year projects and €1,5 million for…

  • USAID My Education Taleemi Due January 22nd

    Awards will improve outcomes for out-of-school Yemeni youth through inclusive, high quality non-formal education. The ongoing conflict in Yemen has disrupted education in the area since 2014, and USAID seeks to enhance non-formal education for some of the estimated 743,000 children who remain out of school through a grant program with a total of $20…

  • Erasmus+ Alliances for Education and Enterprises

    Alliances will foster innovation in higher education and vocational education in partnership with enterprises. In December Erasmus+ published a new set of calls including this focus on talent and skill development. Grants range from an initial €1 million to €1.5 million and a period of performance ranging from two to three years, working toward the…

  • USAID Employ Cambodia RFI

    USAID’s intention is to equip Cambodians with job skills to drive inclusive and sustainable growth.  Due January 19th, USAID’s recent RFI focuses on sectors that will lead to Cambodian economic diversification in the coming years, working with local partners to prepare the workforce of tomorrow. USAID Employ intends to emphasize STEM skills for women and…

  • EU-Wide Upskilling of Vulnerable Youth

    With €9 million available, the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) deadline is set for 29 February.  With a focus on young people not in employment, education or training, ESF+ intends to fund projects between €200 000 and €700 000 that will develop the skills of youth by re-engaging them in learning and integrating them into…