• Women’s Amplified Voices in the Economy

    Funding opportunity from the US Department of State’s Office of Global Womens Issues closes February 24th. With two grants available for an estimated total program funding amount of $3.5 million, Women’s Amplified Voices in the Economy (WAVE) resources are available for programs to, “…address systemic barriers impeding women’s access to economic opportunity and decision-making over…

  • Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills

    Due 6 March, this Erasmus+ programme supports large-scale partnerships under the Pact for Skills. With the objective of supporting large-sacle partnerships, the Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills will support the development of sector skills strategies along with revising and developing job profiles and related training.  By creating new strategic approaches and cooperating for concrete…

  • USAID Energy Talent Development

    West Africa activity will result in one award of $8 million, with applications set to close January 24th.  Power Africa “Energy Talent Development – West Africa” will work with local institutions to transition the region to sustainable low-carbon energy systems. Grantmakers hope to see an increase in the availability of and access to affordable, reliable,…

  • USAID BEST Phase II Activity

    Business Excellence for Sustainability and Transparency cooperative agreement applications close February 12th. With the goal of advancing key elements of phase I and incorporating new, long-term sustainability elements, BEST Phase II intends to: By working with the Mongolian government and civil society organizations, the project will improve competetiveness to better grow and diversify Mongolia’s economy.…

  • Upskilling and reskilling the Tourism Ecosystem

    Call for proposals released yesterday, with EUR 1 000 000 available and applications due 13 February.  The Skill-for-tourism call seeks to enhance data management and sharing capabilities, including development of guidelines to support the use of the D3Hub, which supports tourism ecosystems in their green and digital transitions. As part of the work, the call…

  • FY25 AmeriCorps Grants

    Program continues to improve lives, strengthen communities and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering.  Another round of AmeriCorps funding is available, with applications due January 23rd, 2025, successful applicants notified in mid-April and awards issued in July. This round of AmeriCorps priortizes organizations that serve communities with concentrated poverty, rural communities, tribal communities, and…

  • DOS Fiscal Transparency Innovation

    The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor will fund $740k in budget transparency projects. Due January 13th, with one award available, the US Department of State, as part of its Fiscal Transparency Innovation Fund, will help governments and civil society organizations to promote budget transparency. Proposals that include completeness, reliability and the public availability…

  • ImpactFest 2024 Report

    Last Thursday the city of Den Haag hosted the 9th edition of ImpactFest, hosting over 1,500 impact makers from around the world, including Aspect Works Director Jason Petrait. The day brought together startups, investors, knowledge institutes policymakers and others to “unite and unleash the power of collaboration.”  With the promise of “inspiration, connection and collaboration,”…

  • Investment, Jobs and Income – Haiti

    USAID-Port Au Prince will award $15 million, with applications set to close December 13th.  The goals of the funding include the production of new financing catalyzed for Haitian businesses, improved business performance through collaboration within supply chains and a significant number of new jobs created. Funded activities could include the development of a finance provider…

  • Joint Cluster Initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS)

    Euroclusters will contribute to the implementation of the European Commission’s New Industrial Strategy for Europe.  Due 5 February 2025, Euroclusters will support the implementation of the Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age and the European Economic Security Strategy.  Objectives for this call for proposals includes supporting innovation and adoption of new processes and…

  • Workforce Pathways for Youth

    Dislocated Worker National Reserve Grants will fund 14 awards of up to $3.3 million each.  USDOL has announced Workforce Pathways for Youth rounds 4 and 5, funding national out-of-school time organizations to offer work-based learning, job training and career pathways for underserved youth, with activities occurring after school and during the summer. Applications are due…

  • European Higher Education Area (EHEA)

    Call closing 18 December will facilitate student and staff mobility and international cooperation.  With 9.000.000 EUR available, Erasmus+ announced last week funding to foster collaboration across the European Higher Education Area’s (EHEA) national authorities and other stakeholders, all meant to address the gaps identified in the Bologna Process Implementation Report’s sixth chapter focused on internationalisation. …