Category: Erasmus+
Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills
Due 6 March, this Erasmus+ programme supports large-scale partnerships under the Pact for Skills. With the objective of supporting large-sacle partnerships, the Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills will support the development of sector skills strategies along with revising and developing job profiles and related training. By creating new strategic approaches and cooperating for concrete…
European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
Call closing 18 December will facilitate student and staff mobility and international cooperation. With 9.000.000 EUR available, Erasmus+ announced last week funding to foster collaboration across the European Higher Education Area’s (EHEA) national authorities and other stakeholders, all meant to address the gaps identified in the Bologna Process Implementation Report’s sixth chapter focused on internationalisation. …
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
Programme Support Office will coordinate and support the activities of intermediary organisations of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. Published last week and due 19 September with an estimated value of EUR 1 800 000, the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme is seeking a support office that will coordinate local contact points across the EU.…
Erasmus+ Support for Apprentices
Call closing 4 June will build support structures and networks for apprentice mobility. Falling under the umbrella of “European policy experimentations” Priority 5 and based on the 2020 Council Recommendation on Vocational Education and Training, funding is available for apprentice mobility, the opportunity to learn abroad. Grantmakers envision that funded projects under this priority will…
Erasmus+ Policy Experimentation
Due 4 June, the call will support upskilling and reskilling adults for the digital and green jobs. With €10 000 000 available, regional partnerships under the Pact for Skills are encouraged to apply, making concrete commitments to investing in skills training for adults. The call identifies possible implementation activities, including: Eligible entities must be legal…
Centres of Vocational Excellence due 7 May
Erasmus+ is developing and establishing international networks of Centres of Vocational Excellence. With the goal of creating skills ecosystems for local innovation, regional development and social inclusion, Erasmus+ will provide a total of €56 million in funding from the European Commission to operate Centres that will work at both the national and international levels: National…
Erasmus+ Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation
Tackling skills gaps, the Alliance will create new approaches to concrete skills development. As part of a suite of funding opportunities from Erasmus+ like the recently-profiled Alliances for Education and Enterprises, Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation proposals are due 7 March 2024 with funding levels set at €1 million for two-year projects and €1,5 million for…
Erasmus+ Alliances for Education and Enterprises
Alliances will foster innovation in higher education and vocational education in partnership with enterprises. In December Erasmus+ published a new set of calls including this focus on talent and skill development. Grants range from an initial €1 million to €1.5 million and a period of performance ranging from two to three years, working toward the…
New Erasmus+ Call For Proposals Due 6 February
“Network of networks” will strengthen partnerships at universities across Europe. Due 6 February with a total funding amount of over 189 million euros, the recent call from Erasmus+ aims to establish a community of practice for European university alliances that will foster collaboration and the sharing of best practices and results. The call identifies two…