Commerce: EDA Build to Scale

US Department of Commerce aims to increase the capacity of entrepreneurs, with up to $5 million per award.

Due October 28th to Commerce’s Economic Development Administration, Build to Scale will assist entrepreneurs in demonstrating, deploying and delivering new technologies by starting and growing new companies and creating and sustaining new, good jobs. Funding is available to aid companies focused on emerging and critical technologies.

EDA expects to make between 40 and 50 awards, starting in the “low hundreds of thousands of dollars to the maximum of $5 million.” A 50% match is required from applicants, a stringent requirement that will require successful applicants to already have some existing momentum or projects to build on.

Eligible applicants include States, Tribes, cities, non-profits, educaiton, public-private partnerships and others. Read the full eligibility list and more in the NOFO here.

Projects should:

  • include operational and programmatic activities to build public and private
  • capacity for entrepreneurs and innovators to invent, improve, and
  • bring to market new products and services in critical, emerging,
  • and transformative sectors and industries;
  • accelerate the growth of regional economies that are focused on
  • industries of the future;
  • empower communities to provide proof-of-concept and commercialization assistance to technology innovators and
  • entrepreneurs; and 
  • equitably and inclusively increase access to capital for technology-enabled entrepreneurs.

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