The project will work with partner countries to, “adopt world-leading cloud-based cybersecurity, data protection, disaster response, and recovery solutions.”
$4 million is available to one future grantee to lead this global cybersecurity project with an initial focus on Pacific Island nations. US-based non-profits and foreign NGOs and businesses are eligible to apply.
Applications are due August 10th. The period of performance is set at 36 months, and awards are expected to be announced in October.
The NOFO states that a grant goal that advances, “cyber and digital policies that align with US national interests and foreign policy objectives.” Those objectives include deepened relationships with existing US allies, strategic engagement across the private sector, the increase of secure and open digital connectivity and the implementation of public messaging and diplomacy.
The NOFO expands on the expected outcomes, activities and indicators to clearly describe to applicants what’s expected. Submission documents will include an applicant checklist, scope of work, logic model, management plan and budget narrative.
Need assistance with your application? We bring a wealth of experience in writing, editing, preparing and managing complex federal grants. Get in touch via LinkedIn.
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