Digital Europe’s ICT Specialist Target

“Specialised Education Programmes in Key Capacity Areas” aims to see 20 million ICT specialists in the EU by 2030.

Earlier this month the Digital Europe Programme opened a new round of funding intended to grow the number of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Specialists to 20 million by 2030. This ambitious target is backed up by funding (EUR 55 000 000 for six awards) and a recognition that breakthroughs in tech won’t happen if there aren’t people with the knowledge to develop and deploy those technologies. 

Submissions are due 21 November and will focus on the development and deployment of digital skills in virtual worlds, edge computing, quantum computing, photonics, and robotics and automatization. 

The call supports interdisciplinary work in advanced green digital skills in AI, data analytics, AR/VR, robotics, cloud computing, IoT and machine learning in agriculture, transport, renewable energy, waste management and the public sector. Digital Europe sees a high demand for these skills in these sectors.

On the EU Funding & Tenders Portal the call highlights four deliverables:

  • Consortia of higher education institutions, research organisations and businesses design and deliver education programmes in advanced digital skills for developers and users of advanced digital technologies.
  • Higher education institutions are upgraded with digital solutions, equipment and infrastructure, with a special focus on interoperability of IT systems.
  • Students are supported with scholarships or other financial measures.
  • Structural and sustainable partnerships between members of the consortium are established.

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