DOS Women in Cybersecurity

Due June 21st, two grants will catalyze job creation for women in cybersecurity.

The Department of State’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs will fund two grantees at up to $1 million each to prepare women to enter the cybersecurity field in the Middle East and North Africa. DOS has identified a two-prong approach:

  1. Build capacity for the private sector to combat cyber threats, and 
  2. Increase job opportunities for women in STEM

The funding opportunity recognizes that women face logistical and societal constraints to employment, and this opportunity supports US goals to foster inclusive economic growth and increase STEM participation for women.

Eligibility is broad: U.S. or foreign non-profit organizations, Private technology companies, Private institutions of higher education, Public or state institutions of higher education, Public international organizations, Small businesses with function and regional experience in the areas of cybersecurity in the MENA region.


With applications due in just over a month, now is the time to put together a compelling application. Need assistance in writing, editing or ensuring your application meets the sometimes-confusing requirements of logic models, budget narratives and monitoring templates? Get in touch to access our expertise. 

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