EU Girls and Women in Digital

The call aims to enhance the involvement of girls and women in information and communication technology.

With EUR 2.000.000 available and a deadline of 29 May, Girls and Women in Digital is a funding programme delivered by the Digital Europe Programme, a new EU funding programme bringing digital technologies to businesses, citizens and public administrations.

The funding call intends to enhance the involvement of women and girls in ICT, working toward the target of 20 million ICT specialists in the EU by 2030. The calls intends to: 

  • Identify the obstacles women and girls face in pathways into ICT
  • Showcase activities that boost representation in ICT
  • Create a network of expertise and a community of stakeholders

Anticipated outcomes include overviews of national work, forums and platforms and reporting on the challenges women and girls face in ICT workplaces and educational pathways. 

Consortia that include 3 independent applicants are required. Need help with gathering your consortium? Making the case in your proposal? Reviewing and editing from a native English perspective? Get in touch below. 

Read more about the opportunity at Pact for Skills.

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