European Higher Education Area (EHEA)

Call closing 18 December will facilitate student and staff mobility and international cooperation. 

With 9.000.000 EUR available, Erasmus+ announced last week funding to foster collaboration across the European Higher Education Area’s (EHEA) national authorities and other stakeholders, all meant to address the gaps identified in the Bologna Process Implementation Report’s sixth chapter focused on internationalisation. 

The call will fund two types of projects: First, transnational cooperation projects that support working structures like peer groups, advisory groups and working groups. Transnational cooperation project support focuses on the cooperation of national authorities and relevant stakeholders. The second type of projects will provide technical and administrative support. 

Outcomes include making the European Higher Education Area more innovative, interconnected and inclusive. That can include promotion and protection of fundamental values, improving EHEA tools, enhancing cooperation and building knowledge about the EHEA among stakeholders and the public.

Eligibility is limited. See Pact for Skills for more information on eligibility, how to apply and the award criteria. 

Need assistance applying? We bring a wealth of experience in writing, editing and planning grants focused on education. Get in touch via LinkedIn.