Evergreen Manufacturing Growth Grants

$2 million will fund the development of regional cluster acceleration strategies and manufacturing growth

Due December 21st, Washington State’s Department of Commerce is set to award up to 10 grants total ranging from $200,000 to $400,000, designed to support the development of manufacturing jobs, research and development and regional cluster acceleration strategies, fostering an environment of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Businesses and cluster organizations are eligible to apply, and Commerce encourages the demonstration of matching funds or capital investments.

Commerce defines clusters as, “industry-led groups that work together to drive innovation, pursue market opportunities, and identify and solve challenges that limit growth.” In a previous role, Aspect Works Director Jason Petrait was able to join clusters led by PNAA and AFA in aerospace and sustainable aviation technologies, gaining valuable insight into what makes clusters work in Washington. Read more on Washington State’s cluster strategies.

According to Commerce, funding will be provided for:

  • Research and development projects, including design and testing of new technologies that align with the state’s goal of building a resilient, innovative, and equitable manufacturing and research and development base of employment.
  • Pilot or demonstration manufacturing projects coordinated with organized industry cluster initiatives.
  • Strategic assistance related to analysis of existing and potential customer bases and market demands, including analysis of capabilities of business’s employees to expand their skillsets.
  • Strategic assistance related to supply chain management and resilience.
  • Projects intended to increase manufacturing jobs or research and development jobs regionally within the next three years
  • Workforce development initiatives

Need help on your Evergreen Manufacturing Growth Grant application? Time is short but we at Aspect Works are available to assist. Get in touch. 

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