Improving career guidance to support adults

Erasmus+ funding of EUR 4 000 000 available, with proposals due 27 May 2025.

With a full title of Forward Looking Projects Adult Learning Topic 5 Improving career guidance to support adults’ participation in training, EACEA and Erasmus+ intend to fund a project that will improve,  “adult guidance and counselling services, especially for small and micro-enterprises, by enhancing skills assessment, career management, digital tools, employer support, and counsellor training for scalable impact.”

Activities supported under this funding opportunity include, but are not limited to:

  • Coordinated services in-person or online for adults and organizations, offering skills assessments and directing participants to tailor-made learning options that includes. validation of acquired skills.
  • Improvement of career management skills of individuals
  • Support to firms, especially SMEs, to identify the skills their enterprises need, and how they can support employees in acquiring those skills.
  • Reinforcement of career guidance counsellors’ training and development.
  • Use of skills intelligence and digital tools, including AI, in career guidance.

• Testing of the above tools in combination with in-person guidance and couselling

Need assistance with writing or editing your submission? Would a facilitator bringing partners together help? We bring a depth of grants, facilitation, and coordination expertise. Get in touch via LinkedIn. And read more about this opportunity at Pact for Skills