NSF Announces Innovation in Two-Year College STEM Education Grants

What does innovation in STEM education look like at the two-year college level?

With total funding of $10 million for up to 20 awards, the National Science Foundation has put out a call for innovation in two-year college STEM education due December 13th. 

Open to two-year colleges of higher education, NSF is focusing on institutions that offer degree programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, asking prospective grantees to offer new approaches to improving STEM education and creative ways to adapt and implement evidence-based practices in new contexts. 

The twin goals of the program are to, “(1) center students in the effort to advance innovation, promote equitable outcomes and broaden participation for all students in STEM education at two-year colleges, and (2) enhance the capacity of two-year colleges to harness the talent and potential of their diverse student and faculty population through innovative disciplinary, multi-department, and college-wide efforts.”

NSF envisions the program as an investment to projects that contribute to student success in STEM, including academic pathways for majors and non-majors. 

WIth two tracks, focusing on the academic experiences of two-year students and leveraging institutional strength and innovation, NSF can support projects requesting up to $500k for up to 3 years. 

As former NSF grant reviewers and Principal Investigators, we at Aspect Works offer unique insight as you prepare your application. Get in touch below. 

Read the grants.gov announcement

Read the full Program Solicitation from NSF 

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