Rundown: Strengthening Community Colleges Webcast

Recent DOL webcast highlights equity and evaluation priorities for grants due November 14th. 

It’s always helpful to hear representatives from DOL speak about their grant opportunities, and the recent Strengthening Community Colleges webcast provided some small insights into what is important in grant applications, what themes they returned to and what details we may have missed in the Funding Opportunity Announcement

With $65 million available, the department will award between 13 and 17 grants. Read our breakdown of the grant from last month. 

Slide from the presentation, Questions to ask yourself

Our highlights from the webcast:

  • There is a new emphasis on family-sustaining wages based on the Good Jobs Principles from Commerce and DOL. 
  • No participant targets are required, but you must estimate the number of anticipated participants in each career pathway, and you must pair that with a comprehensive plan for participant data collection. 
  • You will be monitored based on your work plan.
  • Awardees will report enrollment, completion and attainment data paired with demographic data in the WHIPS system.
  • Optional but “strongly encouraged” partners include worker-focused organizations like labor unions and community-based organizations with experience serving underserved populations. 
  • Incumbent workers are not eligible participants in this grant.
  • If you are awarded you will procure an evaluator. Get in touch if you need assistance finding an evaluator.
  • You must identify a sector convener. The organization does not need to be the lead. 
  • One institution cannot serve as multiple required partners.
  • New this round: an Excel version of the theory of change example document is available at the page

Need assistance applying? Want a final reviewer to ensure all your forms are in order? We bring expertise and insight to your grant applications. See our contact form below.

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