Tag: eta

  • YouthBuild Closes September 16th

    DOL’s Employment and Training Administration expects to make 75 awards with total program funding set at $99 million. Another round of YouthBuild focused on opportunity youth ages 16 to 24 is due next month, with a competitive process identifying up to 75 grantees that will provide pre-apprenticeship services to support education, occupational skills training and…

  • USDOL Defines Quality Pre-Apprenticeship Programs

    Training and Employment Notice 23-23 aligns pre-apprenticeships with EEO language and WIOA Final Rule. With USDOL focused on apprenticeship rulemaking, this recent TEN outlines how pre-apprenticeships can increase access to apprenticeships, especially “those historically underserved…” providing, “examples of quality pre-apprenticeship programs in diverse settings.” USDOL’s Employment and Training Agency recognizes that while they don’t oversee…

  • State Apprenticeship Expansion Competitive Funding

    In addition to formula funds, resources are available for innovation, equity, expansion and modernization of Registered Apprenticeship.  With $100 million total in funding available, $50 million of that dedicated the competitive awards, the US Department of Labor last month announced a new round of State Apprenticeship Expansion funding due one month from today on April…

  • Pathway Home Pre-Release Job Training Grants

    $52 Million from USDOL to improve post-release employment opportunities and reduce recidivism With dollars from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, USDOL’s Employment and Training Administration is set to fund up to 20 projects that intend to eliminate gaps between release from prison or jail and enrollment in workforce development programs. The Pathway Home grants…

  • Preparing Justice-Involved Youth for Work

    Due April 2nd, twelve USDOL grants totaling $40 million will fund paid work experiences. Last week USDOL’s Employment and Training Administration announced rounds 4 and 5 of Growth Opportunities funding, preparing justice-involved youth for the world of work, putting them on a path to more equitable career opportunities through paid work experiences. Occupational education in…

  • Apprenticeship NPRM Webinar

    Staff from USDOL presented on Thursday January 25th. Read on for their insight into the NPRM and how to submit comments. Moderated by John Ladd, Administrator of ETA, presenters from the United States Department of Labor provided a high-level summary of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), how the NPRM process works, and how to…

  • State Workforce Plans Due March 4th

    Governors must submit Unified or Combined State Plan for PYs 2024-2027 Last week USDOL’s Employment and Training Administration posted TEGL 04-23, describing the WIOA planning requirements, priorities, deadlines and procedures required for the six core programs in four-year State Plans.  WIOA State Plans communicate each state’s vision for their workforce development system, and at present…