Tag: EU

  • European Higher Education Area (EHEA)

    Call closing 18 December will facilitate student and staff mobility and international cooperation.  With 9.000.000 EUR available, Erasmus+ announced last week funding to foster collaboration across the European Higher Education Area’s (EHEA) national authorities and other stakeholders, all meant to address the gaps identified in the Bologna Process Implementation Report’s sixth chapter focused on internationalisation. …

  • Social Economy Enterprises from SMP

    Capacity building and business opportunities for social circular enterprises closes 10 December. Funded by the Competetiveness of Enterprises and SMEs strand of the Single Market Programme (SMP), this call for proposals covers two topics, each with their own funding stream: The first topic intends to improve the quality of SMEs through the implementation of capacity…

  • European Capitals of Small Retail

    Call set at EUR 3 000 000 and will select a contractor to manage competition for selecting the European Capitals of Small Retail. The European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) is seeking assistance in awarding cities in promotional and networking activities on small retail. The application deadline is set for 11 November 2024,…

  • Semiconductor Competence Centres

    Digital Europe funding for support of the Chips for Europe Initiative closes 2 October. With total funding of EUR 116 000 000, Chips Competence Centres (Chips CCs) will offer support activities that will promote success stories, act as the entry point for SMEs and startups, facilitate skills development, support companies accessing the Chips Fund and…

  • Digital Europe’s ICT Specialist Target

    “Specialised Education Programmes in Key Capacity Areas” aims to see 20 million ICT specialists in the EU by 2030. Earlier this month the Digital Europe Programme opened a new round of funding intended to grow the number of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Specialists to 20 million by 2030. This ambitious target is backed up…

  • ReferNet Spain Closes 24 May

    ReferNet supports operations of the European network for VET, and the call will select one applicant from Spain. ReferNet supports cooperation on VET between the EU and member states, facilitating the flow of information to build mutual awareness across the EU. ReferNet supports Cedefop in monitoring, assessment and reporting on countries’ progress in implementing shared…

  • Erasmus+ Support for Apprentices

    Call closing 4 June will build support structures and networks for apprentice mobility. Falling under the umbrella of “European policy experimentations” Priority 5 and based on the 2020 Council Recommendation on Vocational Education and Training, funding is available for apprentice mobility, the opportunity to learn abroad.  Grantmakers envision that funded projects under this priority will…

  • EU-Ukraine Cluster Partnership Programme

    Effort to boost business collaboration between the EU and Ukraine closes 4 June. Integrating Ukraine into the single market is a key EU priority, with funders recognizing the opportunity to boost business collaboration and promote regional economic growth. Grantmakers have identified industrial ecosystems of importance that offer the possibility for growth and collaboration, including: With…

  • Erasmus+ Policy Experimentation

    Due 4 June, the call will support upskilling and reskilling adults for the digital and green jobs. With €10 000 000 available, regional partnerships under the Pact for Skills are encouraged to apply, making concrete commitments to investing in skills training for adults.  The call identifies possible implementation activities, including: Eligible entities must be legal…

  • CEDEFOP’s Call For VET Expertise Proposals

    Successful applicants will join ReferNet, the main source of information on national VET systems. Officially published January 19th and due February 26th, a new round of funding is available to join ReferNet, the authoritative source for information on vocational education and training, skills and qualifications. Overseen by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational…

  • African Union-European Union Innovation Platform

    Grants seek to strengthen research and innovation cooperation to drive sustainable and inclusive economic growth.  Last week Horizon Europe published a call for proposals due 25 April to foster links and networks between innovation stakeholders from the EU and the African Union (AU) with the ultimate goal of reducing poverty and inequalities. In a previous…

  • Horizon Europe’s Call For Proposals

    “Effective education and labour market transitions of young people” closes 7 February.  Horizon Europe, the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation in the EU, is offering €10 million in total to support the successful transition of young people from education into the labour market through addressing completion rates in secondary and tertiary education.  The call…

  • Clusters Meet Regions Due 22 December

    The European Cluster Collaboration Platform is drawing up a list of 16 national/regional authorities. On behalf of the European Commission, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform will coordinate up to 16 ‘Clusters Meet Regions’ workshops in 2024-2025, with the call for expressions of interest due 22 December.  The objective of ‘Clusters meet Regions’ is to facilitate…

  • European Employment & Social Rights Forum

    EU Commissioners, economists and policymakers consider AI and the world of work Last week in Brussels the European Commission hosted their second European Employment & Social Rights Forum. Speakers ranging from university professors to labor leaders to European Commission officials took on the question of how AI will affect the world of work. Their thinking…