Tag: funding

  • USAID Sierra Leone, Uganda & DR Congo

    Grants totaling more than $134 million will improve health outcomes, offer HIV programming and provide technical assistance. Over the past few weeks the United States Agency for International Development has announced grants for health activities spanning Africa, from Sierra Leone in the west to the Democratic Republic of Congo and on to Uganda in the…

  • NSF Global Centers Funding

    Up to seven awardees will lead international, interdisciplinary bioeconomy research centers. With an emphasis on broadening participation and community engagement that lead to societal benefits, the National Science Foundation has announced $25 million in funding, due June 11th, for use-inspired research that addresses global challenges through the bioeconomy. Grantees will, “prioritize research collaborations that foster…

  • Promoting An Inclusive West Africa

    Department of State will award 1 grant at $1.25 million, with applications due May 7th. Earlier this month the Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor announced an open competition to address ethnic marginalization across Coastal West Africa. The opportunity is open to both U.S.-based and foreign NGOs. DRL identifies two core objectives that a…

  • EU Girls and Women in Digital

    The call aims to enhance the involvement of girls and women in information and communication technology. With EUR 2.000.000 available and a deadline of 29 May, Girls and Women in Digital is a funding programme delivered by the Digital Europe Programme, a new EU funding programme bringing digital technologies to businesses, citizens and public administrations.…

  • Erasmus+ Policy Experimentation

    Due 4 June, the call will support upskilling and reskilling adults for the digital and green jobs. With €10 000 000 available, regional partnerships under the Pact for Skills are encouraged to apply, making concrete commitments to investing in skills training for adults.  The call identifies possible implementation activities, including: Eligible entities must be legal…

  • State Apprenticeship Expansion Competitive Funding

    In addition to formula funds, resources are available for innovation, equity, expansion and modernization of Registered Apprenticeship.  With $100 million total in funding available, $50 million of that dedicated the competitive awards, the US Department of Labor last month announced a new round of State Apprenticeship Expansion funding due one month from today on April…

  • Centres of Vocational Excellence due 7 May

    Erasmus+ is developing and establishing international networks of Centres of Vocational Excellence.  With the goal of creating skills ecosystems for local innovation, regional development and social inclusion, Erasmus+ will provide a total of €56 million in funding from the European Commission to operate Centres that will work at both the national and international levels: National…

  • CEDEFOP’s Call For VET Expertise Proposals

    Successful applicants will join ReferNet, the main source of information on national VET systems. Officially published January 19th and due February 26th, a new round of funding is available to join ReferNet, the authoritative source for information on vocational education and training, skills and qualifications. Overseen by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational…

  • Erasmus+ Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation

    Tackling skills gaps, the Alliance will create new approaches to concrete skills development. As part of a suite of funding opportunities from Erasmus+ like the recently-profiled Alliances for Education and Enterprises, Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation proposals are due 7 March 2024 with funding levels set at €1 million for two-year projects and €1,5 million for…

  • EU-Wide Upskilling of Vulnerable Youth

    With €9 million available, the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) deadline is set for 29 February.  With a focus on young people not in employment, education or training, ESF+ intends to fund projects between €200 000 and €700 000 that will develop the skills of youth by re-engaging them in learning and integrating them into…

  • USAID Ukraine Private Sector Development RFI

    The Request for Information, due January 11th, seeks information for potential future programming. Ukraine USAID-Kiev’s recent RFI on private sector development is open to both Ukrainian firms and US small businesses, and they clarify that responding will not provide an advantage in future procurement. But sharing expert insight has other benefits, at minimum ensuring funds…

  • New Erasmus+ Call For Proposals Due 6 February

    “Network of networks” will strengthen partnerships at universities across Europe. Due 6 February with a total funding amount of over 189 million euros, the recent call from Erasmus+ aims to establish a community of practice for European university alliances that will foster collaboration and the sharing of best practices and results.  The call identifies two…

  • Aflatoun Social & Financial Education Conference 2023

    Partnerships and commentary on power imbalances dominate plenary sessions in Utrecht Last week Aspect Works Director Jason Petrait attended Aflatoun International’s 6th bi-annual Global Social and Financial Skills Conference in Utrecht, hearing from grant-makers, central bankers and on-the-ground practitioners from around the world as they examined the necessity of financial and entrepreneurship education. Thursday’s plenary…