USAID/Vietnam Health Security RFI

The Mission to Vietnam is soliciting input from “capable and interested” organizations.

Issued yesterday and due December 20th, USAID/Vietnam is now gathering information to design a potential five-year award, with funding up to $21.5 million. Thie aim is to, “strenghten Vietnam’s capacity at the subnational levels to effectively prevent, detect, and respond to epidemic-prone emerging infectious diseases….”

The Request For Information seeks input on the draft program description, allowing interested organizations to submit up to three pages of comments, suggestions and questions on the statement of objectives. USAID/Vietnam is particularly interested in these questions:

i. Are the expected outcomes realistic, achievable, and impactful?

ii. How would you measure success?

iii. Who are the champion organizations or individuals that the project should engage with?

iv. Do you see substantial risks to the project’s success, and how might we mitigate them?

v. Do you have examples of other similar projects that were done well and have lessons learned?

vi. Do you have other remarks or observations?

The 8-page RFI outlines the program purpose, background, development challenges, the theory of change, results framework, goals and objectives, achievements and more. Read the whole RFI at

Need assistance reviewing your recommendations? Looking for an editor and outside set of eyes to ensure you’re providing worthwhile input to USAID/Vietnam? Get in touch below. 

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