Funding opportunity from the US Department of State’s Office of Global Womens Issues closes February 24th.
With two grants available for an estimated total program funding amount of $3.5 million, Women’s Amplified Voices in the Economy (WAVE) resources are available for programs to, “…address systemic barriers impeding women’s access to economic opportunity and decision-making over economic resources and assets to advance women’s economic security.” Statements of interest that outline concepts and capacity are required, and eligibility is limited to non-profits holding 501(c)(3) status.
The DOS envisions consortia of US-based or international organizations that have reach across the globe to engage grassroots, women-led networks and coalitions to address the economic security of women.
Successful consortiums will show strong links to:
- Local NGOs
- Civil society organizations
- Business associations and/or
- Community-based organizations
Technical thematic areas may include women’s entrepreneurship, financial inclusion, labor rights, decent work opportunity and addressing gender-based violence.
Applicants are required to choose 3 countries to implement program activities.
Need assistance putting together a successful application? We know how to bring coalitions together in short order, how to write, edit and submit for USG funders, and can provide insight and perspective on this and other opportunities. Get in touch via LinkedIn.