Workforce Pathways for Youth

Dislocated Worker National Reserve Grants will fund 14 awards of up to $3.3 million each. 

USDOL has announced Workforce Pathways for Youth rounds 4 and 5, funding national out-of-school time organizations to offer work-based learning, job training and career pathways for underserved youth, with activities occurring after school and during the summer. Applications are due December 3rd. 

The funding is authorized under WIOA. In addition to paid employment opportunities, the program encourages partners to provide supportive services to address the needs of young people, with examples of transportation and emergency assistance as ways of helping youth persist and succeed. 

Applicants must be national OST 501c3 organizations, defined as having affiliates in at least three states. Applicants that received funding from the FY23 Workforce Pathways for Youth round of funding are ineligible for this round. 

Read the press release, read about winners from the previous round and find the full Notice at

Need assistance as you prepare your application? At Aspect Works we bring insight into WIOA and youth pathways paired with successful grant writing, editing and submission for complex federal funding. Get in touch via LinkedIn.